Monday, December 2, 2013

Holiday Season, Family, and Photography!

  Happy Monday everyone! I really hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving filled with good food, loved ones and memories. I know I sure did (: Thanksgiving Day for Hubby and I is...well...filling. Every year, his family eats dinner around 2, and my family eats around 6. So we eat with them, recover a little, then head to my parents house and eat again! This year my best friend Jordan was able to join us. I think he enjoyed it, as he fell asleep pretty quickly after! Hubby watched football with my dad and an old family friend that comes over to eat with us every year. The day after I got to go see more family! I saw my Nonnie (my mom's mom) and also my aunt that now lives in Idaho, as she was in town. The next time I see her, I will be hauling around an infant! ♥

  A few updates on what's coming up for this family: my birthday is on the 13th, Hubby said he'd take me to see The Hobbit 2!!! I'm really excited about it!!! Also, my due date is rapidly approaching. We're expecting our first son Leo on Christmas Eve. Everyone keeps telling me he is going to come early. To be honest I'm kind of ready for this all to be over! I just want to meet my son and take care of him. I also want my body back! He's measuring a little big, and oh man am I getting uncomfortable as all hell!!! They always tell you that pregnancy is uncomfortable, but you really don't anticipate how really taxing it is on your mind and body. So many feelings, emotions, and sensations good and bad. Many times all at once!

  My final bit of weekly happenings, I did my very first Christmas photoshoot today!!! My friend wanted pictures of her 3 month old daughter, and I must say they turned out absolutely FABULOUS! I had a lot of fun working with her and her little girl. I was happy to get that experience and I hope for many more opportunities like this. Here are just a few of the shots from today.

  Isn't she just adorable???

  Well I hope you guys have a great week, get geared up for Christmas! Can't believe it's already that time. I'll check back in next week, don't miss me too much ;)