Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Introducing: My Little Love♥

  I hope I am excused for not updating you all!!! I've been extra busy with the newest (and greatest!) member of our family, Leo.
  He was born at 10:32 am, on January 1st, 2014. He was 6 pounds, 13 ounces and 18 1/4 inches long. Also: he was born absolutely PERFECT!!! I'm not even exaggerating, promise! (:

My last "belly pic" ♥

  Getting him here was not such a smooth road, although I'm trying to keep in mind it can always have been worse... :P Hubby and I got to the hospital on a Monday, at about 11 pm for a scheduled induction. I was 1 week past my due date. Trying to sleep was impossible due to nerves, and of course hospitals aren't exactly cozy! Contractions started about 4:30-5 am the following morning. I was eventually started on pitocin, and had to be taken off and put back on repeatedly, because my Little Love's heart rate kept dropping while on the pitocin. By that point I'd had my water broken and the epidural was in full effect.
  Early Wednesday morning, after 3 hours of pushing and not a whole lot of progress, baby and I were both exhausted. We were also worried because the baby had passed his meconium, which is fairly common but can lead to serious complications if not handled carefully. We were taken in for a c-section, and I was lucky enough to have my Hubby and my mom there with me. It was uncomfortable, and pretty scary, but not as bad as I imagined. I remember being surprised at how many people were in the room.
   I was not able to have immediate skin to skin contact which I was a little sad about, however his health was most important. They took him over to clean his airway before he took his first breath and cried. When I heard him cry I cried. It seemed like forever before Hubby was finally able to bring him to me and we all cried together. He was (and is!) perfect, and all ours♥

  We were released from the hospital on Friday, in the early evening. Hubby drove so very carefully and I sat in the back with our Little Love. He was so good on the ride home, and continues to this day to be a very calm and sweet baby.

  We gave him his first bath at 3 weeks, he loved it!!! Not a lil peep out of him the whole time...he was so fascinated! He's a water baby, just like his mama♥

  Our Little love is 4 weeks old tomorrow. He already rolls over onto his belly from his back. He almost able to support his own head. He loves to eat, cuddle, suck on daddy's nose, cruise around in the car or stroller, and his bink., We are slowly settling into a routine. He does great through the night, on average waking up around 1 and again at 5 to eat, poop, and then go back to sleep. He likes mornings, just like mommy!
  To sum up my life right now: Happy! We are learning and getting to know each other, making mistakes and memories, and starting to raise a thriving baby. He steals our hearts many times a day♥
I will check back in hopefully this Friday, if not, next week!!!