Monday, April 7, 2014

How I Set my Baby's Schedule

  Hello there all you awesome people, and welcome to a new week!!! I know, I'm a terrible blogger. Good thing you all love me anyways ;)

  Little Love has had his first Easter!!! He did fine with the Easter bunny, but almost GUARANTEED next year I'll get one of those awesome cry face pictures. I freaking love his baby cry face!!! Mean mommy. Hehe (: He and I also flew over to the Spokane area to visit my Dad, Stepmom, 3 little sisters and little brother. Not only was this Little Love's first airplane trip, it was his first trip out of state as well!!! We drove into Idaho for a few hours to visit Hayburn State Park. A month full of firsts (:

  Since I know so many brand new mamas, myself included, today I want to share how I got my baby on a schedule...and to be honest, I let him make his OWN schedule! I downloaded an app that allowed me to enter in when Little Love ate, slept, pooped, etc. I could also add in my own categories that I wanted to keep track of, like when he got fussy, or when he was REALLY getting worked up. That made it so that I knew what his habits were, and was able to encourage certain behaviors, such as sleep or playtime, at certain times.
  As of right now (totally could be subject to change as he grows)  this is his schedule (starting as of 3:30 am)...

3:30am- He usually wakes up and gets fed and changed, then goes back to sleep until anytime between 6am and 8am.
6-10am-  I feed and change his lil babybutt, then it's time to get up!!! I put him in his swing or boucy seat usually since he just woke up and is still sleepy and turn on the baby channel. I then make myself a cup of coffee and, when I'm having a smart day, something to eat. As long as he's still cool chillin' on his own, I get on the laptop and check facebook, write a blog (;P), pay some bills, or whatever else I wanna do...its my morning down time.
Pretty soon, he (or I :P) gets bored then I'll put him on his play mat for tummy time, and do some planks or something next to him. It keeps him entertained while we both work our muscles! Then we talk and laugh together. Sometimes read a book, or play with toys, have tummy time.....whatever works (:
10am- I feed and change him, put him down for a nap. More chores or whatnot.
1pm- Little Love eats again, and is a little more fussy this time of day. It helps to read books or just engage him in conversation so that he is distracted from having afternoon moodiness. Eventually he will take his afternoon nap, which last about 45 minutes.
3pm- Little Love gets a bath, usually every other day. He usually puts himself to bed, so I try to make sure he's bathed and in his jammies by 4.
5pm- He probably wants to eat soon, or play. Entertaining him is easy, eating dinner is entertaining for him. Or reading a book, having a "conversation" with him, will pass the time beautifully.
6pm-Little Love is getting tired. Depending on how long of a nap he's had, he may be ready for bed, or just ready for cuddle time before bed.
7pm- Little Love is probably asleep.I put him in bed with a fan on for white noise, and he is out.
3-30am- the schedule starts over.

  I let him call the shots, and my life kind of fell into place around him. It works for us.
  I hope this works for someone else, I know so many women who either just had a baby, or are about to have a baby. This is how me and my Little Love accomplished our schedule. I hope you all enjoy your children as much as I do, because he really is the "light of my life"! He is my world.
  If you have any questions, comments, concerns or even advice on how I could make this time even BETTER, please comment or privately message me. I'm new to this as many of you are. However, it's working, and even though life may often get in the way, my son and I understand each other. So please don't hesitate to ask me anything!!!
...oh, and have a FANTASTIC week!!!
Love all you crazy asses. Until next time!!!