Thursday, November 21, 2013

Suzy Homemaker♥

  Hello all! It's almost Friday, can you all hang in there for one more day??? It's pretty chilly here in the Pacific Northwest, we had our first real good freeze last night. My windshield was frozen and my extremities were impossibly cold at the cruel hour of 3am...which happens to be the time I head off for work! But I powered through, and got home just before 9am.

  I decided to spend some time outside with the Fur-Baby today, getting a few pretty pictures of the frost before the afternoon sun melted it all away

  After accomplishing that successfully, I got a hankering for some home made brownies. So guess what??? I made THAT happen (: This is my first time making them from scratch, and they smell amazing!!! Can't wait to sample them! My secret ingredient? Chili Powder! Just a dash and it gives it a nice spice that compliments the chocolate well.


    Of course, I do not recommend leaving a dish towel on your unused back burner... it's a terrible habit of mine that my Grandma would sure scold me for. I definitely enjoy baking, and this was a really fun recipe to try! I even added my own little spin on things.
   After all the laundry and cleaning and baby prepping I've been doing the past couple weeks, I am feeling like quite the Susy Homemaker. I love every second of it♥

   I hope you all have a great rest of your week and weekend, let me know if you would like my recipe! Don't forget that next week is Thanksgiving... are you ready?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Baby Madness!

  Hello all!!! You have to forgive my inconsistency....let's blame it on "mommy brain". :)

  A little bit of an update on my life as of now: I am 33 weeks and 2 days pregnant, going on the home stretch! Time is flying by. It seems as if every time I leave my house to visit a friend or family member, I come home with MORE baby stuff!!! It's everywhere! It's all so tiny, but somehow manages to take up soooo much space! The "nesting" stage is in full swing. All Leo's clothes are washed and organized, his bassinet is all set up and all the little last minute stuff is being acquired. The rest of the house is also benefiting from my super duper cleaning powers. My room has been spotless for a week and a half and my bathroom and kitchen is usually sparkling, cabinets and closets organized to a T!

  Aside from all of that,  last week was my baby shower! It was really great. Full of family and friends and we all had a great time! Even the men that showed up had a good time. I'm so thankful that my son is so loved and blessed by all the awesome people that will surround him! We did not do the traditional games that most people (including myself!) feel awkward doing. We just stuck with good socialization, along with yummy food and upbeat music. Also, we created some activities that people could choose to do if they wanted. For example, there was a "photobooth" where we had props (paper top hats, mustaches, glasses, etc.) to pose with and take silly pictures. There was a onesie signing station, which we are using the onesie as wall decor for the little man. Last, we had a "Birthday Wish Box". I made a few index cards numbered 1-18 for people to fill out with advice and birthday wishes for Leo to read each year on his special day! After choosing and age and writing their advice, they put their card in the birthday box! It was really fun and the cards were really fun to read after. :)

  Well, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. A couple posts back, I had planned to try out a new recipe that I will make for Thanksgiving dinner, or dessert. Something I've never made before. I later decided that it was better to wait a bit, until Thanksgiving was a bit closer. So maybe that will be next week's (give or take a few days :P) topic. If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment below! I would love to hear them.

  I hope everyone has a fantastic week! I don't know where you all are, but here in Western Washington it's windy, rainy, and definitely approaching winter. So stay warm and dry and in honor of the upcoming holidays, remember what you are thankful for and cherish this time with your loved ones!

 A few close friends (:
 My hubby and his dad!
Me and my mama!