Thursday, November 21, 2013

Suzy Homemaker♥

  Hello all! It's almost Friday, can you all hang in there for one more day??? It's pretty chilly here in the Pacific Northwest, we had our first real good freeze last night. My windshield was frozen and my extremities were impossibly cold at the cruel hour of 3am...which happens to be the time I head off for work! But I powered through, and got home just before 9am.

  I decided to spend some time outside with the Fur-Baby today, getting a few pretty pictures of the frost before the afternoon sun melted it all away

  After accomplishing that successfully, I got a hankering for some home made brownies. So guess what??? I made THAT happen (: This is my first time making them from scratch, and they smell amazing!!! Can't wait to sample them! My secret ingredient? Chili Powder! Just a dash and it gives it a nice spice that compliments the chocolate well.


    Of course, I do not recommend leaving a dish towel on your unused back burner... it's a terrible habit of mine that my Grandma would sure scold me for. I definitely enjoy baking, and this was a really fun recipe to try! I even added my own little spin on things.
   After all the laundry and cleaning and baby prepping I've been doing the past couple weeks, I am feeling like quite the Susy Homemaker. I love every second of it♥

   I hope you all have a great rest of your week and weekend, let me know if you would like my recipe! Don't forget that next week is Thanksgiving... are you ready?

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