Monday, February 24, 2014

Better Late than Never!!!

  Okay, so maybe if I switch blog days to Mondays, I will actually remember to post :P Mondays seem to be my most productive day. So we shall see how that works out!
  This particular Monday is off to an early start. Little Love woke me up with an incredibly noisy poop-splosion, which he followed with an encore as soon as I got a clean diaper on him, hehe!!! Then he was all smiles and talking up a storm, so we got up and started our day!!! Momma is going to need an extra cup of coffee I believe this morning ;) Looking to get an early workout done, shower AND do some laundry today before I head out to Renton with Little Love to visit my aunt and Nonnie before my aunt heads back to Idaho with her 2 little boys. Maybe I can convince Hubby to come along and give me a hand...LoL!

As promised, I have pictures of my Little Love!!! Now I didn't get any of just him and I or of all 3 of us, but we'll do that next time!

  I am really happy with them, and I had a TON of fun taking/editing them...Little Love only had one little accident, which I was surprisingly prepared for :P

  Have a fantastic week everyone, and I'll see you next Monday!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

DIY and other random mommy bits...

  Okay, so I am a day late...but we're improving :P I've been busy with my growing Little Love. This last week he's started smiling, cooing, drooling and rolling over from his tummy to his back! He did this the first time when he was about 2 weeks old! I am still the only one who has seen it. He gets tired and stops after the first or second roll :P He's also starting to get pretty chunky! We have our 1 month appointment coming up in the next week so we'll see what he weighs out to now :P He's starting to pay attention to his toys more, which generally results in more smiling and cooing...he's a really happy baby! Usually.

  Today's post is mostly about odds and ends around the house I've accomplished... being the domestic angel I am... (:P)
  First and foremost (and most handy!), the homemade baby wrap. You can find a number of YouTube videos here on how to Do It Yourself. This is my version:

  I love it for a number of reasons. It keeps my hands free to do whatever I need/want to do. Dishes, bills, light housework....writing how I sneaked that one in there???(: It keeps him warm, because it's CHILLY out there! It will be able to grow with him as he grows and there are a few different ways to tie it and position him in there. Even if he doesn't sleep, he enjoys smiling up at me and sticking his head out to see what's going on. A lot of the time Little Love just wants to be held, and he tends to have terrible timing...he gets it from his dad, haha! This has been a great solution for us, a special thanks to my stepmom for the idea of doing it myself instead of shelling out money for a brand name! I have 2 wraps now for less than the price of one brand name! I also got to choose my own fabric, it's nice and cozy (:

   It's more secure than the sweatshirt I was using to cart him around before!

  I also made meatballs the other night. A first for me, and I did a quick version. But they turned out great! Definitely need to spend more time and make them perfect, because the whole house seemed to enjoy them!!!
  Next week my plan is to finally get family and newborn pictures. I have a few, but I would really like more! If I manage to get that accomplished, I will include them next week! It seems doable. :P

  Have a fantastic week(end) everyone♥