Friday, July 18, 2014

How To Be a Perfect Mom

  Hey all! It's been a terribly long time since my last apologies. I was busy being a PERFECT MOM! I know, you are all thinking, "Who the f**k does this lady think she is?!" Well, let me explain.
  Just this week, I bonked my sons head into the car door, resulting in a scab on his head and a cry sesh to make the neighbors stare. I also got one of my favorite shirts covered in poop... I had to clean the child and the poo smeared bathroom floor before I could take it off. I forgot about a load of laundry in the washer, and had to rewash it because it smelled freakin' gross. I failed to catch the sound bar thingamajig for the T.V in time before Little Love pulled it down on his face.
  Yes...I'm far from impeccable. I know, it's a shocker. I'll give you a minute to wrap your head around that one....

  Okay. Now that you've all calmed down. This last week I DID meet two vital requirements:
1. I loved my son unconditionally.
2. I did my best to raise him well.


  I am a perfect mommy for my boy! To him, I am without flaw. I'm sure that someday, when he is a teen and hates my guts, that will change. Yet, there will still never be a more perfect mom for him, than me...and that makes me feel pretty damn special. All of us, are in our own way, PERFECT MOMS, for loving our children the way we do.
  We all have differing opinions, habits, views and beliefs. For instance, some moms protect their kids from dirt at all has no place on their kids or in their homes. While other moms send their kids out back and lock the door behind them! You can always hose them off later right?! Nobody will ever agree 100%...whether it be appropriate bedtimes, how kids should act or be punished, what age they get a cell phone or how much television should be allowed in one day. It is okay.
  I can not stand it when I see women bashing each other for the way they choose to live. So what? When did standing on a soap box and judging others become considered "confidence" or make you better than anyone? I'm not saying I'm innocent here...we've all done it. This includes those snobby moms out there ( know who you are!) who dismiss their fellow mommies because they feel they are "better". I have a secret: you're not. Bashing and disregarding someone else for their style does NOT make you a better parent. It just makes you look like a douchebag.


  Being a "Perfect Mom" isn't about being perfect at all! It's about making mistakes, and learning from them. It's about recognizing that you need to take a breather, and then letting yourself breathe. It's about building each other up, not tearing each other down. First and foremost, it's about our kids cuz they'll be running their own show someday, they're not babies forever. It's your job to make sure they turn out decent. Concentrate on that and the rest kind of dims in comparison, don't you think?

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