Monday, July 21, 2014

Meeting the Milestones.

  Decided that after such a long absence I should do some catching up where #HM is concerned. Since I didn't mention much about Little Love in my last post I thought I would share how he is doing! An update on our day to day routine (well, as much as possible because we are always taking last minute adventures!) and all his cool tricks he does now :)
  On July 1st he had his half birthday! We did a photo shoot and he tried some mangos for the first time.
On July 4th, his first Independence Day...

 We went to the Beach....a few times! Momma's favorite place in the world!

  He has become very curious, now that he can roll and scoot! Almost crawling, which makes me #almostscrewed . LoL

  Now that he knows he can, he sleeps just like his momma...sheesh. #webothdroolaboutthesametoo

  He is growing unbelievably quick! Weighing in at 18.9lbs last I checked! He loves All fruits, all veggies. Not too crazy about meat. He also has 2 teeth!
  His sleep schedule has changed. He has a bedtime routine of dinner, bath, lotion rub down, jammies, stories, and I put him in his bed and sing to him until he sleeps! He goes to bed around 8:30, and wakes up around 7:30! He loves his breakfast and will eat a LOT when he wakes up, so I make sure it's extra nutritious, and followed with a bottle when he's ready for it! He naps anywhere from about 11 am-1:30 pm...but this really varies. Some naps are way short and sometimes split into 2 (teething and growth spurts), some naps are really long. I let him do his thing, just keep activities calm and quiet to let him rest.
  He spends a ton of time on the floor now-a-days, playing in a big, safe area filled with toys. I interact with him by moving everything just out of his reach, including myself, and encouraging him to move and crawl. I get really excited when he makes progress, even a teensy weensy little bit...I admit I may have scared the crap out of him once or twice with my freakish squeals of excitement! :P #meanmommy
  He can definitely be a pain in my butt, and always making a mess and bumping or bruising himself somehow. Yet I wouldn't have it any other way, he makes my life feel whole and fulfilling! We are always laughing, he LOVES laughing with his daddy. Since Hubby is hardly home at all in the daytime during the week, we spend lots of quality time on the weekends!
  We are always finding ways to stay active and be productive... Little Love is already watching what I do. I am no longer alone to let my bad habits get the better of me. Time to buck up and lead by example! Everyday is a new day to better myself, and as a result better my son.
  Have a good Monday everyone! Feel free to leave questions or comments below, or email me!

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