Monday, August 25, 2014

Somewhere along the way, I lost my $#!T

   This week has been the start of a lot of new, less complicated things. I decided to steer myself down a road that was a lot more peaceful. With that comes a lot of changes and adjustments, and also some harsh realizations.
   I have come to realize, that somewhere along the way, I lost all my patience. I'm sure that it was a long process. Over time, I just became more rushed. So eager to just "get it over with". I've caught myself getting irritated when others talk slowly...just spit it out already, right?! Or when I do simple things like take a shower, or drive from point A to point B. Always finding ways to make it happen faster, get results NOW!
  Well as I'm sure you all can guess, it's not working out so well for me. Although impatience was a quality I realized that I possess, I never really thought too hard on it. I just accepted that I was an impatient person, and continued to rush through my daily life. When people would tell me to be more patient, my thoughts were always "Yeah, add THAT to my to-do list!" or my personal favorite "Maybe you should just hurry the f**k up!!!"
  Today I had a thought, while trying to rush through my yoga routine....what am I rushing to do??? I feel like Alice, trying to figure out what the hell the White Rabbit is so late for. All I am really doing in rushing to...the end of the day. I'm rushing to get old. I'm hurrying through the days of life I've been lucky enough to get to experience, to reach what? The end of my life?
   Where is the joy in that?
   Let today go down in the books as the day I make stopping to smell the roses a way of life, not an occasional treat!!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't know how I missed your blog but did and read all your blogs. Love the stories and the's hard to realize Leo is 8 mos. because I don't feel like I'm getting older that fast. Love `n hugs! <3
