Friday, October 11, 2013

Long Time, No See!

  Hello! First and foremost, my apologies for being M.I.A for so long! Life got a little crazy, but at least for the moment I think we are back on a smooth track. I am so thankful for some peace for my growing family, and keeping stress levels at a minimum.
  Okay, okay...since I know you are all just dying for the scoop on what has been going on with me ( :P ), so allow me to fill you in!

  I am now 29 weeks (7 1/2 months) pregnant with our first baby, Leo. Starting to get pretty uncomfortable, and my body is doing some MAJOR changing! Yet it is all more than worth it, because it means our little punkin is getting bigger and stronger each day. I can attest to that, between the extra weight on my bladder and the rolling around in my tummy that wakes me from a dead sleep!

   My mom and sister have been planning my baby shower that is at the end of this month. Got my registry (somewhat)'s a good thing that those who know and love me understand how I lack certain skills such as organization! Haha☺We have carseats, a bassinet, and more clothes than I know what to do with. Now all that's left is....a place of our own! May have to get creative with small crowded spaces, at least for a few months. Like I said earlier: life just gets a little crazy...oh, and timing can really SUCK!

  We are fully into the fall season now, which is my favorite season! I'm sure I mentioned that, at least 3 times :P Between that and our upcoming addition to the family, Hubby and I made the decision today to get a new camera that takes good photos! My mission is to learn how to use it. I've officially made reading how to blogs and watching Youtube tutorials a part time job!

 This week I plan to have mini portfolio to share with you all next Friday! I'll leave you with a picture of our growing boy, it can mark the first experimental photo(: Have a good week everyone!

29 Weeks ♥

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