Monday, March 31, 2014


  Alright people, life happened again. I've been a tad distracted, to say the least!!! Two weeks later I am back at it, ohh yeah!!!
  My Little Love will be 3 months old tomorrow!!! I am absolutely floored with how fast time is passing, and also how freaking amazing Little Love is doing!!! He is rolling over (has been since 3 weeks!), he sleeps through the night, can support his own head, smiles and laughs almost all day everyday, and will talk your ear off for hours!!! He has also doubled his birthweight, mommas little porker!!! I'm so proud of him and in love with him, I wish I could pause time so he could stay like this FOREVER. Or at least a bit longer (:
  I've been experimenting with new recipes, one surprising yet delicious one that I literally just discovered this morning is baked eggplant fries. I have a lot of trouble getting enough veggies in my diet, so I've been making a point to get one serving of veggies every single day. I accomplished that already, I had steamed spinach and baked eggplant for breakfast, and coffee with vanilla coconut milk. Can you tell I'm determined to get this last 5-10 pounds to GTFOff of my midsection?! And THEN some??? Haha, I'm on a mission, more dedicated already than ever before.
  I've been taking baby with me to babysit a very adorable and energetic 2 year old boy. If that is what I have to look forward to with my own Little Love, then I am going to need to get my ass in gear to keep up with him!!! Yet it makes me that much more motivated...and besides, exercise is so much more fun when you have a kid entertaining you the whole time (:
  I'm sorry for the short post after such a long absence, I hope you all can forgive me!!! However, it's time to get Hubby up so that I can run to the store, and then come home and clean up!!!
  I'm gonna say "See you next week!" because I won't let myself slack off again, life happening or not! Haha. Happy Monday and have a good week!!!

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