Friday, August 2, 2013

Necessity or Luxury?

   Happy Friday once again! Squeezing in a quick post before I head off to work this gloomy morning afternoon. Thank GOD for short days to start the weekend off right, huh?
  Speaking of the gloomy weather, does anyone else actually kind of enjoy this foggy and slightly chilly thing we have going on, or is it just me? I love the fall, it's my absolute favorite time of year!!! I love the colors, the deco, the atmosphere, Halloween , the fall recipes, and fall fashion....everything! The only thing I think I can find negative about my favorite season, is the fact that my least favorite season comes right after. I don't cope with the freezing temps of winter!
   Anyways, now that I'm done babbling about the weather, on to my blog topic of the day. I do have to be honest, I kind of  copied from the local radio station, as one of the topics they covered on their morning talk show got my brain wheels turning. All the things we are convinced we NEED, that are really just luxuries. Some of the things they listed I agreed with, like ipads. I've never actually owned one, but I have a nice smart phone and a laptop that both work just fine. I never really had a need for another "smart" device. Another thing listed was engagement/wedding rings. Now yeah, we know it's not a necessity, that having a ring doesn't make you married. I think most people see a wedding ring as a huge symbol of their marriage. A lot of stress is put on a man to buy the perfect ring to make his woman happy. Society I think plays a big part on the importance of this symbol of a marriage.

   I actually lost my wedding ring about 6 months ago... that was a hard one to tell my hubby. I did it anyways though, and really appreciated the way he remained calm and was really cool about it, and didn't make me feel even more terrible. I honestly kind of always had a fear of this happening. I'm terrible with jewelery. The only jewelery I've managed not to lose are all in my jewelery box for safe keeping away from my generally unlucky hands!

  I wonder what unique "symbols of marriage" people have? And why? How do you feel about tattoos? Necklaces? Nothing at all? Why do you feel your symbol (or lack of) is important?

 Gotta fly, but stay tuned for next week, and keep your fingers crossed that our little gummy bear cooperates on Monday and we find out some gender! Team pink or blue??? Haha♥

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