Monday, August 25, 2014

Somewhere along the way, I lost my $#!T

   This week has been the start of a lot of new, less complicated things. I decided to steer myself down a road that was a lot more peaceful. With that comes a lot of changes and adjustments, and also some harsh realizations.
   I have come to realize, that somewhere along the way, I lost all my patience. I'm sure that it was a long process. Over time, I just became more rushed. So eager to just "get it over with". I've caught myself getting irritated when others talk slowly...just spit it out already, right?! Or when I do simple things like take a shower, or drive from point A to point B. Always finding ways to make it happen faster, get results NOW!
  Well as I'm sure you all can guess, it's not working out so well for me. Although impatience was a quality I realized that I possess, I never really thought too hard on it. I just accepted that I was an impatient person, and continued to rush through my daily life. When people would tell me to be more patient, my thoughts were always "Yeah, add THAT to my to-do list!" or my personal favorite "Maybe you should just hurry the f**k up!!!"
  Today I had a thought, while trying to rush through my yoga routine....what am I rushing to do??? I feel like Alice, trying to figure out what the hell the White Rabbit is so late for. All I am really doing in rushing to...the end of the day. I'm rushing to get old. I'm hurrying through the days of life I've been lucky enough to get to experience, to reach what? The end of my life?
   Where is the joy in that?
   Let today go down in the books as the day I make stopping to smell the roses a way of life, not an occasional treat!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014


   It's Sunday Funday in this family....other than grocery shopping, 30 minutes of yoga and the 5 minute meditation I squeezed in before Little Love woke up from his A.M nap, we have been relaxing and enjoying the day!!!
   Today, I am thankful for my insane little man! He and I have been through some big changes the past few weeks. So today I will write about him! He is after all, the most gorgeous man in the world ;)
   On September 1st, he will be 8 months old! He is all over the place with his army crawl, or as I like to call it, "the worm". In other words, I'm officially SCREWED. The days of setting him in one spot and knowing he won't go anywhere are GONE. Pretty little decorations on end tables/coffee tables/night stands are nonexistent. Outlets are covered, cords are hidden, and baby gates are up! He has recently learned how to pull himself to a stand on just about anything. He can also climb the stairs, and feed himself finger foods.
   He is definitely ALL boy...he loves anything with wheels. His favorite thing to do is talk. He starts at 5am, and other than naps, he NEVER STOPS. Nope, not once, not until bedtime. I love that my sweet man is so vocal, but on the rare occasion I get a break it is astounding what 10 minutes of calm will do for your sanity!!! He likes to fart, he thinks it's HILARIOUS. His favorite sound is a growl, and he does it often!
  I love being a boy mom way more than I ever thought I would. I couldn't imagine life without this tiny, noisy, messy, sweet little stinker. His 3 toothed grin gives me butterflies, and his slobbery kisses make my heart melt! I am actually a better person because I have him in my life, and I'm very thankful to have my son <3 br="">

Monday, July 21, 2014

Meeting the Milestones.

  Decided that after such a long absence I should do some catching up where #HM is concerned. Since I didn't mention much about Little Love in my last post I thought I would share how he is doing! An update on our day to day routine (well, as much as possible because we are always taking last minute adventures!) and all his cool tricks he does now :)
  On July 1st he had his half birthday! We did a photo shoot and he tried some mangos for the first time.
On July 4th, his first Independence Day...

 We went to the Beach....a few times! Momma's favorite place in the world!

  He has become very curious, now that he can roll and scoot! Almost crawling, which makes me #almostscrewed . LoL

  Now that he knows he can, he sleeps just like his momma...sheesh. #webothdroolaboutthesametoo

  He is growing unbelievably quick! Weighing in at 18.9lbs last I checked! He loves All fruits, all veggies. Not too crazy about meat. He also has 2 teeth!
  His sleep schedule has changed. He has a bedtime routine of dinner, bath, lotion rub down, jammies, stories, and I put him in his bed and sing to him until he sleeps! He goes to bed around 8:30, and wakes up around 7:30! He loves his breakfast and will eat a LOT when he wakes up, so I make sure it's extra nutritious, and followed with a bottle when he's ready for it! He naps anywhere from about 11 am-1:30 pm...but this really varies. Some naps are way short and sometimes split into 2 (teething and growth spurts), some naps are really long. I let him do his thing, just keep activities calm and quiet to let him rest.
  He spends a ton of time on the floor now-a-days, playing in a big, safe area filled with toys. I interact with him by moving everything just out of his reach, including myself, and encouraging him to move and crawl. I get really excited when he makes progress, even a teensy weensy little bit...I admit I may have scared the crap out of him once or twice with my freakish squeals of excitement! :P #meanmommy
  He can definitely be a pain in my butt, and always making a mess and bumping or bruising himself somehow. Yet I wouldn't have it any other way, he makes my life feel whole and fulfilling! We are always laughing, he LOVES laughing with his daddy. Since Hubby is hardly home at all in the daytime during the week, we spend lots of quality time on the weekends!
  We are always finding ways to stay active and be productive... Little Love is already watching what I do. I am no longer alone to let my bad habits get the better of me. Time to buck up and lead by example! Everyday is a new day to better myself, and as a result better my son.
  Have a good Monday everyone! Feel free to leave questions or comments below, or email me!

Friday, July 18, 2014

How To Be a Perfect Mom

  Hey all! It's been a terribly long time since my last apologies. I was busy being a PERFECT MOM! I know, you are all thinking, "Who the f**k does this lady think she is?!" Well, let me explain.
  Just this week, I bonked my sons head into the car door, resulting in a scab on his head and a cry sesh to make the neighbors stare. I also got one of my favorite shirts covered in poop... I had to clean the child and the poo smeared bathroom floor before I could take it off. I forgot about a load of laundry in the washer, and had to rewash it because it smelled freakin' gross. I failed to catch the sound bar thingamajig for the T.V in time before Little Love pulled it down on his face.
  Yes...I'm far from impeccable. I know, it's a shocker. I'll give you a minute to wrap your head around that one....

  Okay. Now that you've all calmed down. This last week I DID meet two vital requirements:
1. I loved my son unconditionally.
2. I did my best to raise him well.


  I am a perfect mommy for my boy! To him, I am without flaw. I'm sure that someday, when he is a teen and hates my guts, that will change. Yet, there will still never be a more perfect mom for him, than me...and that makes me feel pretty damn special. All of us, are in our own way, PERFECT MOMS, for loving our children the way we do.
  We all have differing opinions, habits, views and beliefs. For instance, some moms protect their kids from dirt at all has no place on their kids or in their homes. While other moms send their kids out back and lock the door behind them! You can always hose them off later right?! Nobody will ever agree 100%...whether it be appropriate bedtimes, how kids should act or be punished, what age they get a cell phone or how much television should be allowed in one day. It is okay.
  I can not stand it when I see women bashing each other for the way they choose to live. So what? When did standing on a soap box and judging others become considered "confidence" or make you better than anyone? I'm not saying I'm innocent here...we've all done it. This includes those snobby moms out there ( know who you are!) who dismiss their fellow mommies because they feel they are "better". I have a secret: you're not. Bashing and disregarding someone else for their style does NOT make you a better parent. It just makes you look like a douchebag.


  Being a "Perfect Mom" isn't about being perfect at all! It's about making mistakes, and learning from them. It's about recognizing that you need to take a breather, and then letting yourself breathe. It's about building each other up, not tearing each other down. First and foremost, it's about our kids cuz they'll be running their own show someday, they're not babies forever. It's your job to make sure they turn out decent. Concentrate on that and the rest kind of dims in comparison, don't you think?

Monday, April 7, 2014

How I Set my Baby's Schedule

  Hello there all you awesome people, and welcome to a new week!!! I know, I'm a terrible blogger. Good thing you all love me anyways ;)

  Little Love has had his first Easter!!! He did fine with the Easter bunny, but almost GUARANTEED next year I'll get one of those awesome cry face pictures. I freaking love his baby cry face!!! Mean mommy. Hehe (: He and I also flew over to the Spokane area to visit my Dad, Stepmom, 3 little sisters and little brother. Not only was this Little Love's first airplane trip, it was his first trip out of state as well!!! We drove into Idaho for a few hours to visit Hayburn State Park. A month full of firsts (:

  Since I know so many brand new mamas, myself included, today I want to share how I got my baby on a schedule...and to be honest, I let him make his OWN schedule! I downloaded an app that allowed me to enter in when Little Love ate, slept, pooped, etc. I could also add in my own categories that I wanted to keep track of, like when he got fussy, or when he was REALLY getting worked up. That made it so that I knew what his habits were, and was able to encourage certain behaviors, such as sleep or playtime, at certain times.
  As of right now (totally could be subject to change as he grows)  this is his schedule (starting as of 3:30 am)...

3:30am- He usually wakes up and gets fed and changed, then goes back to sleep until anytime between 6am and 8am.
6-10am-  I feed and change his lil babybutt, then it's time to get up!!! I put him in his swing or boucy seat usually since he just woke up and is still sleepy and turn on the baby channel. I then make myself a cup of coffee and, when I'm having a smart day, something to eat. As long as he's still cool chillin' on his own, I get on the laptop and check facebook, write a blog (;P), pay some bills, or whatever else I wanna do...its my morning down time.
Pretty soon, he (or I :P) gets bored then I'll put him on his play mat for tummy time, and do some planks or something next to him. It keeps him entertained while we both work our muscles! Then we talk and laugh together. Sometimes read a book, or play with toys, have tummy time.....whatever works (:
10am- I feed and change him, put him down for a nap. More chores or whatnot.
1pm- Little Love eats again, and is a little more fussy this time of day. It helps to read books or just engage him in conversation so that he is distracted from having afternoon moodiness. Eventually he will take his afternoon nap, which last about 45 minutes.
3pm- Little Love gets a bath, usually every other day. He usually puts himself to bed, so I try to make sure he's bathed and in his jammies by 4.
5pm- He probably wants to eat soon, or play. Entertaining him is easy, eating dinner is entertaining for him. Or reading a book, having a "conversation" with him, will pass the time beautifully.
6pm-Little Love is getting tired. Depending on how long of a nap he's had, he may be ready for bed, or just ready for cuddle time before bed.
7pm- Little Love is probably asleep.I put him in bed with a fan on for white noise, and he is out.
3-30am- the schedule starts over.

  I let him call the shots, and my life kind of fell into place around him. It works for us.
  I hope this works for someone else, I know so many women who either just had a baby, or are about to have a baby. This is how me and my Little Love accomplished our schedule. I hope you all enjoy your children as much as I do, because he really is the "light of my life"! He is my world.
  If you have any questions, comments, concerns or even advice on how I could make this time even BETTER, please comment or privately message me. I'm new to this as many of you are. However, it's working, and even though life may often get in the way, my son and I understand each other. So please don't hesitate to ask me anything!!!
...oh, and have a FANTASTIC week!!!
Love all you crazy asses. Until next time!!!

Monday, March 31, 2014


  Alright people, life happened again. I've been a tad distracted, to say the least!!! Two weeks later I am back at it, ohh yeah!!!
  My Little Love will be 3 months old tomorrow!!! I am absolutely floored with how fast time is passing, and also how freaking amazing Little Love is doing!!! He is rolling over (has been since 3 weeks!), he sleeps through the night, can support his own head, smiles and laughs almost all day everyday, and will talk your ear off for hours!!! He has also doubled his birthweight, mommas little porker!!! I'm so proud of him and in love with him, I wish I could pause time so he could stay like this FOREVER. Or at least a bit longer (:
  I've been experimenting with new recipes, one surprising yet delicious one that I literally just discovered this morning is baked eggplant fries. I have a lot of trouble getting enough veggies in my diet, so I've been making a point to get one serving of veggies every single day. I accomplished that already, I had steamed spinach and baked eggplant for breakfast, and coffee with vanilla coconut milk. Can you tell I'm determined to get this last 5-10 pounds to GTFOff of my midsection?! And THEN some??? Haha, I'm on a mission, more dedicated already than ever before.
  I've been taking baby with me to babysit a very adorable and energetic 2 year old boy. If that is what I have to look forward to with my own Little Love, then I am going to need to get my ass in gear to keep up with him!!! Yet it makes me that much more motivated...and besides, exercise is so much more fun when you have a kid entertaining you the whole time (:
  I'm sorry for the short post after such a long absence, I hope you all can forgive me!!! However, it's time to get Hubby up so that I can run to the store, and then come home and clean up!!!
  I'm gonna say "See you next week!" because I won't let myself slack off again, life happening or not! Haha. Happy Monday and have a good week!!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Finding time for ME!!!

  I survived another week, AND am getting a blog posted on schedule. I feel pretty accomplished just doing that after the week(end) I've had. It was probably one of the roughest few days of my entire life...but that story I'll save for a later, as I'm not quite ready to tell it to the world just yet.
  It is definitely a Monday, and I feel like a zombie. My Little Love is finally napping in my lap. We had his 2 month doctor visit today, he's 12lbs 5oz!!! He's getting so big so quick, makes me sad! Other than that he's happy and healthy and thriving ♥
  Today I am expanding on something I touched on last week: finding ME time! It can be really difficult. They tell you when you're pregnant to sleep when your baby sleeps...haaa. That only works under ideal conditions, for me mostly only right in the beginning, when I was recovering also. Yet, life goes on, even after you have a baby. The laundry and dishes pile up, the bedroom looks like a tornado hit it, you still need to eat, pay bills and don't forget the endless visitors that want to see the little baby. This is just some of the stuff you have to do, in addition to caring for your baby! Diapers, feeding, tummy time, comforting and spending time playing with them. So where do you get a little time for yourself, so that you don't go completely mad???
  In my situation, I'm lucky to have a supportive household that can take him off my hands for an hour or two so that I can shower or run to the store baby free, or just to clear my head for a minute. Not everyone has that but I'm thankful that I do! It makes my job a lot more stress free (: When Little Love has naptime, I try to utilize that time to its fullest potential, get as much of whatever is on my to do list as possible. Now some days, you just have to put relaxation on your to do list. So, on those days when he naps, focus all your attention on YOU!!! Take a bath, paint your toes, dye your hair, rock out to some music (quiet rocking out, of course :P), or just lounge and watch Netflix. As long as you're using your time wisely during the rest of the week, have one day you just dedicate nap times to yourself!
   I really enjoy spending time with my son, and could never dream of being away from him for too long, I really do enjoy his company, and he always knows when to flash me one of his heart-stopping, dazzling, toothless smiles. In a time where life has gotten so beyond my control, and I feel like everything is spiraling out of control, he keeps me grounded and gives me happiness that I wouldn't have otherwise.
  Well time to wrap up for the night, Little Love is getting bored watching me type :P Have a fantastic week (:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

When The Going Gets Tough.

  Good afternoon! I personally feel amped full of energy (& I SWEAR I only had 2 cups of coffee this morning!) and ready to tackle all I've been putting off since....well, since I've been blessed with my Little Love. Some things have gotten put off even longer than that! Shhh...don't judge me people!!!
  Today, I'm thrilled and thankful to feel energized, because I've felt pretty worn out lately. I know, all you mama's out there will understand how much energy your little ones drain from you! It's monumental and messy and leaves you exhausted (but happily so! :P). In all honesty though, my sweet Little Love is the best part of my daily life!!! Life has been so tough yet I know now how important it is to get even tougher. I'm responsible for making sure that this perfect, gorgeous, smushable, most KISSABLE face gets a beautiful childhood! ☺
Gummy Bear♥

  I have so much learning to do, and so many mistakes to make in order to raise him. He may be my tiny baby boy right now, but let's face it: I have just given this world another MAN! I hope you ladies are all giggling :P I'm going to keep my thoughts short and sweet, so I don't get side tracked (whhaaatt??!). In order to keep on task every day to set my family and myself up for success requires a lot of focus. You'd think it would be easy to find a few minutes of quiet time. But the thing about living with boys? They have terrible timing, at all ages :P There are a few things I will need to remind myself daily to stay focused:
-I am important, therefore must take care of my needs as well. 
-I am not perfect, and neither is my husband, nor anyone else and that is okay!
-Loved ones do not get a set limit of "chances". Love keeps no record of wrongs. (1Corinthians 13:4-8).
last but DEFINITELY not least: 
-stay ahead of the damn laundry.

  On that note, while Little Love naps I'm going to pop in some laundry, eat lunch and get some other domestic duties done (:

I hope you all have a fabulous week ahead of you, keep your beautiful faces smiling(:


Monday, February 24, 2014

Better Late than Never!!!

  Okay, so maybe if I switch blog days to Mondays, I will actually remember to post :P Mondays seem to be my most productive day. So we shall see how that works out!
  This particular Monday is off to an early start. Little Love woke me up with an incredibly noisy poop-splosion, which he followed with an encore as soon as I got a clean diaper on him, hehe!!! Then he was all smiles and talking up a storm, so we got up and started our day!!! Momma is going to need an extra cup of coffee I believe this morning ;) Looking to get an early workout done, shower AND do some laundry today before I head out to Renton with Little Love to visit my aunt and Nonnie before my aunt heads back to Idaho with her 2 little boys. Maybe I can convince Hubby to come along and give me a hand...LoL!

As promised, I have pictures of my Little Love!!! Now I didn't get any of just him and I or of all 3 of us, but we'll do that next time!

  I am really happy with them, and I had a TON of fun taking/editing them...Little Love only had one little accident, which I was surprisingly prepared for :P

  Have a fantastic week everyone, and I'll see you next Monday!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

DIY and other random mommy bits...

  Okay, so I am a day late...but we're improving :P I've been busy with my growing Little Love. This last week he's started smiling, cooing, drooling and rolling over from his tummy to his back! He did this the first time when he was about 2 weeks old! I am still the only one who has seen it. He gets tired and stops after the first or second roll :P He's also starting to get pretty chunky! We have our 1 month appointment coming up in the next week so we'll see what he weighs out to now :P He's starting to pay attention to his toys more, which generally results in more smiling and cooing...he's a really happy baby! Usually.

  Today's post is mostly about odds and ends around the house I've accomplished... being the domestic angel I am... (:P)
  First and foremost (and most handy!), the homemade baby wrap. You can find a number of YouTube videos here on how to Do It Yourself. This is my version:

  I love it for a number of reasons. It keeps my hands free to do whatever I need/want to do. Dishes, bills, light housework....writing how I sneaked that one in there???(: It keeps him warm, because it's CHILLY out there! It will be able to grow with him as he grows and there are a few different ways to tie it and position him in there. Even if he doesn't sleep, he enjoys smiling up at me and sticking his head out to see what's going on. A lot of the time Little Love just wants to be held, and he tends to have terrible timing...he gets it from his dad, haha! This has been a great solution for us, a special thanks to my stepmom for the idea of doing it myself instead of shelling out money for a brand name! I have 2 wraps now for less than the price of one brand name! I also got to choose my own fabric, it's nice and cozy (:

   It's more secure than the sweatshirt I was using to cart him around before!

  I also made meatballs the other night. A first for me, and I did a quick version. But they turned out great! Definitely need to spend more time and make them perfect, because the whole house seemed to enjoy them!!!
  Next week my plan is to finally get family and newborn pictures. I have a few, but I would really like more! If I manage to get that accomplished, I will include them next week! It seems doable. :P

  Have a fantastic week(end) everyone♥

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Introducing: My Little Love♥

  I hope I am excused for not updating you all!!! I've been extra busy with the newest (and greatest!) member of our family, Leo.
  He was born at 10:32 am, on January 1st, 2014. He was 6 pounds, 13 ounces and 18 1/4 inches long. Also: he was born absolutely PERFECT!!! I'm not even exaggerating, promise! (:

My last "belly pic" ♥

  Getting him here was not such a smooth road, although I'm trying to keep in mind it can always have been worse... :P Hubby and I got to the hospital on a Monday, at about 11 pm for a scheduled induction. I was 1 week past my due date. Trying to sleep was impossible due to nerves, and of course hospitals aren't exactly cozy! Contractions started about 4:30-5 am the following morning. I was eventually started on pitocin, and had to be taken off and put back on repeatedly, because my Little Love's heart rate kept dropping while on the pitocin. By that point I'd had my water broken and the epidural was in full effect.
  Early Wednesday morning, after 3 hours of pushing and not a whole lot of progress, baby and I were both exhausted. We were also worried because the baby had passed his meconium, which is fairly common but can lead to serious complications if not handled carefully. We were taken in for a c-section, and I was lucky enough to have my Hubby and my mom there with me. It was uncomfortable, and pretty scary, but not as bad as I imagined. I remember being surprised at how many people were in the room.
   I was not able to have immediate skin to skin contact which I was a little sad about, however his health was most important. They took him over to clean his airway before he took his first breath and cried. When I heard him cry I cried. It seemed like forever before Hubby was finally able to bring him to me and we all cried together. He was (and is!) perfect, and all ours♥

  We were released from the hospital on Friday, in the early evening. Hubby drove so very carefully and I sat in the back with our Little Love. He was so good on the ride home, and continues to this day to be a very calm and sweet baby.

  We gave him his first bath at 3 weeks, he loved it!!! Not a lil peep out of him the whole time...he was so fascinated! He's a water baby, just like his mama♥

  Our Little love is 4 weeks old tomorrow. He already rolls over onto his belly from his back. He almost able to support his own head. He loves to eat, cuddle, suck on daddy's nose, cruise around in the car or stroller, and his bink., We are slowly settling into a routine. He does great through the night, on average waking up around 1 and again at 5 to eat, poop, and then go back to sleep. He likes mornings, just like mommy!
  To sum up my life right now: Happy! We are learning and getting to know each other, making mistakes and memories, and starting to raise a thriving baby. He steals our hearts many times a day♥
I will check back in hopefully this Friday, if not, next week!!!